Monday, February 9, 2009

Ok, how many Weight Watcher Points in a Din Tai Feng jedzhi (dumpling)????

Someone has to know?

For those of you that know me in real life - and I would have to guess most people that read this do, you know that I am a fan of WW. I have used the program several times over the years to develop better eating habits and lose weight. It worked very well for me after having C and D, and I really think it just teaches healthy living. Well, after living what I consider the last few months of NOT healthy eating, an opportunity arose to do a trial WW series here in Shanghai. WW is new to China and in my opinion, targeting to people that aren't chinese, and they are trying to get local expats to try it out. It's free, though they are hoping you will chronicle your tales in one of the Shanghai Expat mags. I sent off a note volunteering and was one of the chose few. For the next 11 weeks, I can attend mtgs, obtain all the books and info and live the WW life. Lucky me. Little do they know my chronicling will be likely be here on Lavida Loca!

I went to the first mtg last week - and it was like one I went to years ago. A mix of people, but no Asians. Lots of Australians. All trying to be healthy. I will say I felt the most informed, having done this before, but its never easy. 18 points of food, well, its not a lot of food! The upside is I have been thinking twice before eating things, and my snacks have all been fruits or lean proteins. I was feeling quite out of control as many of my normal go-to foods, just don't exist here or are way too much $. (tai gui le) For example - I used to eat lean cuisines for lunch most days. Here, there is one store that carries them, and they are $7-9/each. (those are off the list now!) Roasted deli turkey - very little to chose from, and 2x the price as home. 7 or 9 grain whole wheat breads - well, let's just say Chinese people don't really eat bread, so it is hard to find good bread here, most I wouldnt waste the calories on. Yogurt - at home it will be on sale 4/1$. Here the one we like is imported from California - and its about $2.50/carton. I do buy this, as the kids and I do eat it and like it a lot. I figure there is some nutritional value? and the calcium is good for us all. But that is crazy $ for yogurt! What do you do?

I guess the good news is I made good choices while eating this past weekend (mostly out I might add) and I bumped up my exercise. What I dont have the answer to is how many points I ate last night at our favorite dumpling restaurant....and I guess I may never know. I just wrote off all my extra points I had for the week and will call it a day.

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