Monday, September 15, 2008

Living La Vida Crappy?

Can I change the name of this blog? Ugh. So irritated beyond belief. All has been going fine, a bit "ordinary" but fine - until friday night my purse was stolen. Other than that all is dandy. Now, mind you, it could happen anywhere - but it happened in China, therefore, China is a crummy, rotten place to me right now. Anyway. Not much in my purse to speak of - other than my wallet and phone  - and of course the fact it was a nice purse. We cancelled all the cards - that was fun - and then will get some delivered here, some to Az, etc. what a pain. Luckily I have about 4 blackberry/treo type phones to switch to - so got switched over, and can keep same number etc. Its just the principal. So, we what started as a nice evening out - a wine tasting then what was a great dinner in the french concession quickly turned south. oh well.  Wtg to hear from my insurance man as he said i can likely submit it against my homeowners insurance. If so, i plan to do it. Other than that, we have been getting settled into the school routine, kids both started soccer though C doesnt like soccer, and d - wanted to play but now says she doesnt want to! (too bad for her, as I paid, and she's playing). I have gotten a few massages and foot massages to ease the pain of daily life here...though the one I had today was quite painful - my back and shoulders are really sore - hence the look on my face - E was kind enough to snap this one of me - am sure you are jealous now, huh?C has more friends and activities than he knows what to do with here - the neighborhood is crawling with kids his age and D also has met some friends and had some short play dates. Sat, after all the soccer activities we laid low for a bit - recovered from the violation of the night before - except C - who was off for another playdate - then we went with some friends to a BBq at school. Of course it started raining right when we were leaving to go! It does seem to rain on the weekends??? Monday was a holiday here, no school for the kids. We mostly were home, trying to finish putting things away in the house, the kids played outside again, and we hit megafit. Oh, I did do something cultural - I went to a talk and lunch about Tea Appreciation - tasted different chinese teas, learned how to prepare them formally, what they rituals mean around serving tea. etc. It was interesting lecture, the speaker was very good but I didnt really love any of the teas. I think the best was probably oolong, but I dont think I would run out and fix any of them. One tasted and smelled like old dirty socks? yum-o.  The lunch was fun and it was nice meeting some people, too. I do like to socialize, but I will say it is a bit like work - when you don't know anyone - you have to always be social, ask questions, talk about things in common, etc. Its really kind of tiring. I forget how it is - as at home, we know so many people through all the local connections. You may spend 1% of your time mtg new people, etc. Here, 90% of the time i am mtg new people. Its a lot. Oh well. Plenty of time to get acclimated. For some reason it seems like we need to hurry up and get settled but I bet it will be like that the whole time we are here. Ok, off to sleep. our shipment may arrive next weekend..something to look forward to, just in time for E to fly back to the states. Figures. Wonder who he paid off for this one????Ps - wish me luck - going to body pump circuit tomorrow..and its not a good hour!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Looks like he's trying to break your neck! Man! I love massages but still!

Sorry about your purse. Very hard not to feel violated with it all. Hugs!