Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Are you ready for some football in China???

I know C is, for sure...they have been practicing 3x/week for 2 hours each all month ..and he is ready to play a game! the first one will be after the mid-autumn holiday, which starts next week. He got his position(s) yesterday and is glad to report he will end up as wide receiver and cornerback....this was good news, as in jump for joy news as he was so afraid he may just have to "be on the defense line"...we suggested he run faster and he might not need to worry about losing his spot! Not sure about baseball yet, they haven't started games either, just skills and practice till Oct. He isnt as concerned about where he will end up for that one.

The other thing the kids are doing, well, its not a sport but I think its going to be great - is....KUMON! yes, kumon the math program..I have heard about it from so many people at work, and I happened to notice there is one really close by, as in we could walk? so after returning this summer, signed them both up. So far, I think its good...they do a daily packet and go in once a week. They start them out pretty low end but Delaney is already starting to add things like 1000+10, 899+1, etc...and I can guarantee they aren't doing this in K! Last paper she brought home from school was practicing drawing lines from pt a to pt b. C isnt quite at 4th grade level in Kumon yet, because of where they start them out - but he is doing well with it and his speed has increased dramatically, while the complaints have decreased! It is now just part of the day. I would estimate by Christmas we will see some real payoff for him, and while they don't know this, I am committing to the year of Kumon for them both and maybe they will continue back in AZ!

That's all for now, work to be done, and packing, we leave friday for an island in the philippines for a week!
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