Sunday, October 11, 2009

all I want for Christmas.....

Is this wine tasting machine! I found a wine store here that sells a few we like and they have this tasting machine. You prebuy a card, and slide it in the slot when you want a tasting and it deducts depending on the wine you purchase - you can choose small, med, large of any of the wines and on the backside they have all the rose/whites. Its such a great way to try different wineries, especially here as so many are from South america or europe. The one 4th from left, you can hardly see the name - they put in because we were coming in....its how I found this place as I was looking for this South african wine - The chocolate block...for years! I could never get it in the US, but found it here and have bought some. Anyhoo...they plugged it in for us this weekend. We had a great happy hour, as I threw together some cheese and bread, oil, salami fruit...yum!
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